Sunday, October 11, 2009

How stable is the Dollar?

(Analyst's note:  Must read.)

from Glenn Beck

.... GLENN: We have, let's see, Germany number 10. Do we get in ‑‑ are we number 15? Finland is number 11. France is number 12. Malaysia, 13. Mexico ‑‑

PAT: You've got to be kidding me.

GLENN: Financial stability, top 20 economies, financial stability, Mexico 14. 15 Brazil. 16, Czech Republic. The Czech Republic. United Arab Emirates. Sweden, number 18. 19, Denmark. The Slovak Republic is number 20. Here we go. Overall financial stability for the United States of America, overall financial stability placing now number 38. Currency stability, the United States places now 50th.

PAT: We're last.

GLENN: 50th. Banking stability, number 36. Our currency is the fifth ‑‑ we are the global currency, the global world standard and we are now ranked at number 50, five‑zero. And you expect that to last? Who are you kidding? Now, when the movers and shakers see the world economic forum come out with a report that says our currency is number five‑zero in the world, 50th in the world, if you hold a lot of dollars, what do you think you're going to do with them? If you see that our overall financial stability is 38, what are you going to do? If you think our banking stability is now, you see that the world economic forum places it at 36th, what do you think you're going to do? Don't you see what's happening? And at the same time all of these cases from these global organizations are moving in the opposite direction and saying bad America, bad America. What is our Nobel Prize winner doing? Our Nobel Prize winner is learning to spend even more money. They are now looking at a second stimulus package... for what? Well, one of the things they would like to look at is they would like to look at, you know, being able, being able to go back and look at the last five years or maybe seven years for companies that have been struggling and been losing money, give them a tax break for those companies that have been losing money. Let them say, "Well, I've got to claim, you know, the losses that I had six years ago." Here's an idea. What do you say that we start giving tax breaks to producers? What do you say we start giving tax breaks to people who are actually making a difference and hiring people? What do you say we give a tax break to, oh, I don't know, everybody, and stop spending money? Stop printing money. Stop spending money. Yes, I know what that means. There are people right now in their car who are financial quote/unquote geniuses who are still telling everybody to stay in the market when it was at 13,000, stay in the market when it was at 12,000, stay in the market when it was 10,000, all the way down to 7500: Stay in the market, stay in the market, stay in the market. Yeah, well, thank you for your help, genius.

Now, these same geniuses are telling you don't worry about the economic stability of the United States of America; it will turn around, don't worry about the stability of the dollar; it will turn around. It will not turn around.   ....

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