Friday, May 29, 2009
Cartels use kids to breach U.S. border
When politics rules medicine Government rationing of medical services reality in some states
WASHINGTON – As the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress move to provide government-controlled health care on a national level, similar experiments in some states suggest medical care can take a backseat to politics and bureaucratic red tape – resulting in even urgent, life-saving treatments being denied while so-called "preventive services" get priority.
Oregon, for example, has become the first government in the world to draw up a formal procedure for rationing health care, shifting priorities away from life-saving measures to more politically popular treatments, Health Care News reports.
The state health care program for low-income people ranks treatments for various diseases and conditions in order of priority. If a treatment ranks 504 or lower on the scale, no treatment will be authorized.
Some of the ailments that will not be covered include such serious conditions as vocal cord paralysis or deformities in one's upper body and limbs. However, therapy for youthful conduct disorder, pathological gambling, mild depression and mood disorders are covered.....
Are tea partiers the new 'terrorists'? Blogger claims he received visit from FBI after sending letters to lawmakers
A tea party protester claims he was investigated as a terrorist by the Joint Terrorism Task Force of the FBI after he sent letters to his representatives criticizing the government for spending money he says the U.S. does not have.
Steve Shirk, a Tea Party Patriots blogger who attended the Atlanta Tea Party, said he began a letter-writing campaign in September 2008 to representatives, senators and the White House to express his frustration with what he considers to be irresponsible spending. He said he sent his letters through the official government websites with identifying information and indicated that he was offering his political opinion about pending legislation or governmental policy.....
Guess who Census banned as 'partners' Agency seeks out ACORN, but 'blacklists' other groups
(Compiler's note: An absolutely must read document.)
By Bob Unruh
The U.S. Census Bureau, reflecting what apparently is becoming a political position that involves more than one federal agency, has listed "hate groups," "law enforcement" "and "anti-immigrant groups" among those that would be refused permission to become a partner with the 2010 Census.
The news comes in a series of documents obtained by Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act about the census operations.
WND previously reported when the Department of Homeland Security released an "extremism" report that warned local law enforcement officers nationwide to watch out for "potential terrorists" including those who:
- Oppose abortion
- Oppose same-sex marriage
- Oppose restrictions on firearms
- Oppose lax immigration laws
- Oppose the policies of President Obama regarding immigration, citizenship, and the expansion of social programs
- Oppose continuation of free trade agreements
- Are suspect of foreign regimes
- Fear Communist regimes
- Oppose a "one world" government
- Bemoan the decline of U.S. stature in the world
- Are upset with loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs to China and India, and more
At the time, a lawyer pursuing a lawsuit against Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano over the "extremist" report said he was not reassured by her later promise to "reword" the document.....
....The Obama administration has downplayed ACORN's involvement, saying the organization with which Obama worked earlier in his political career, would be allowed to "recruit" census workers.
But the documents show that ACORN also is an "executive level" partner with the ability to "organize and/or serve as a member on a Complete Count Committee."
The census documents regarding ACORN also show the organization also signed up to "encourage employees and constituents to complete and mail their questionnaire; identify job candidates and/or distribute and display recruiting materials; appoint a liaison to work with the Census Bureau; provide space for Be Counted sites and/or Questionnaire Assistance Centers, sponsor community events to promote participation in the 2010 Census."
The documents also show the Census Bureau wants ACORN to teach other organizations about the process, Judicial Watch said.
"Given its history of illegal activity and fraud, ACORN should be nowhere near the 2010 Census," said Fitton. "And shame on the Obama Commerce Department for continuing to demonize conservatives by lumping together law enforcement and anti-immigration groups with 'hate groups.' This discriminatory policy raises First Amendment concerns. Indeed, these documents provide further evidence that the Obama administration is politicizing the 2010 Census."
U.S. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, meanwhile, has called for congressional hearings into ACORN's finances that apparently includes a procedure called a "forensic audit."
Founder of U.S. Muslim charity jailed 65 years for funding Hamas
Sonia Sotomayor 'La Raza member' American Bar Association lists Obama choice as part of group
As President Obama's Supreme Court nominee comes under heavy fire for allegedly being a "racist," Judge Sonia Sotomayor is listed as a member of the National Council of La Raza, a group that's promoted driver's licenses for illegal aliens, amnesty programs, and no immigration law enforcement by local and state police.
According the American Bar Association, Sotomayor is a member of the NCLR, which bills itself as the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the U.S.
Meaning "the Race," La Raza also has connections to groups that advocate the separation of several southwestern states from the rest of America.
Over the past two days, Sotomayor has been heavily criticized for her racially charged statement: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."....