Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Investors 'don't stop believin' that a recovery is coming

by Jonathan Berr

.... U.S. stock markets are poised to rise Monday on -- what else? -- more positive comments from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. On Friday, the central banker sent stocks soaring after he was quoted as saying the economy is near a recovery. Existing home sales also posted their biggest gains in more than two years, further indication that the housing market is improving. Markets in Europe and Asia also rose.

Throwing cold water on the rally is "Dr. Doom." Writing in the Financial Times today, Nouriel Roubini said the chance of a double-dip recession is increasing because of risks related to ending global monetary and fiscal stimulus, Bloomberg News noted.

"Governments around the world have pledged about $2 trillion in stimulus measures amid the worst worldwide recession since the Great Depression," the news service said. "Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and other global policy makers have cautioned that the recovery is likely to be muted, indicating they would not soon remove all the stimulus injected into the financial system." ....

Robbed: Obama's Trick that Could Wipe Out Your Savings

from Financial Intelligence Report

The U.S. dollar is going the way of the Mexican peso: down!

More than $10 trillion in government spending is triggering a sudden and massive devaluation.

The TARP chief told Congress the federal bailout will now total over $23 trillion! That would be over $70,000 per person.

But if you act fast, you can protect your life savings from 1970s-style mega-inflation . . . and you could DOUBLE your money . . .

Find out how you can get our latest FREE special issue of the Financial Intelligence Report on growing wealthy in the coming dollar wipeout.

Secret Government Plan
To Devalue the Dollar Could
Wipe Out Your Life Savings!

ReportIn this special issue, discover . . .

  • Why the U.S. dollar is sinking fast . . .
  • How Obama and the Democrats in Congress are making the same mistakes the Japanese did in the 1990s . . . and what that means for YOUR nest egg . . .
  • The real reason the stock market has
    rallied . . . and what could happen NEXT . . .
  • Little-known investments that will skyrocket as the U.S. dollar plummets . . .
  • And MORE!

Dear Investor:

Unbeknown to most investors, the Obama administration is planning quietly to devalue the U.S. dollar even MORE. The decision has been made . . . and it’s working.

Obama adviser Warren Buffett accidentally revealed in a recent CNBC interview what the Administration REALLY has planned all along.

Buffett told the interviewer that the United States will do what
every other country has done when faced with huge obligations
and decreasing revenues — inflate (devalue) the currency!

The reason is simple.

The Democrats have waited nearly 30 years, ever since Ronald Reagan was elected, to begin spending money on social programs again.

They’re not about to let a global economic wipeout stand in their way.

Deliberately devaluing the U.S. dollar will make U.S. government debt obligations less onerous, American exports relatively cheap, and rally the stock market.

There is only one problem with their plan!

By causing inflation to soar, it will wipe out the life savings of generations . . . and destroy the U.S. economy for decades to come . . .

Dollar Devaluation Is a Done Deal

That’s why we’ve prepared a special issue of the Financial Intelligence Report called "The Coming Dollar Devaluation: 8 Factors Every Investor Must Know."

It could end up being the most important economic report you’ll read this year.

This special report gives you the inside details on what the world’s most famous economists and financial experts expect to happen in the coming six months.

Plus, it outlines a realistic plan of action you can take to protect yourself from the plummeting dollar — and reveals investments that could easily DOUBLE your money if the U.S. dollar slide continues.

You’ll discover . . .

  • Eight reasons why the global recovery will be stopped dead in its tracks in the United States . . .
  • Why certain rising commodity prices are the canary in the mine shaft when it comes to inflation . . .
  • What Obama’s plans to nationalize U.S. healthcare will do to the U.S. dollar . . .
  • The REAL reason why interest rates have been rising despite everything the government tries . . .
  • Why you have to become a global investor to survive the coming dollar devaluation . . .
  • How Wall Street’s "bandit capitalism" is leading to "bandit socialism" . . .
  • What will happen when China and other foreign investors stop buying U.S. debt . . .
  • The reason why inflation is inevitable — and the steps you must take, right now, to prepare for it . . .
  • and much, MUCH more!

Best of all, you can get a copy of "The Coming Dollar Devaluation: 8 Factors Every Investor Must Know" absolutely FREE. Click Here Now.

I’ll tell you how to get a copy in a moment. But first, let me explain why . . .

The Destruction of the Dollar,
And Your Portfolio, Has Started

When the market crashed more than 18 months ago, the dollar strengthened significantly. Investors worldwide fled to the greenback. Hundreds of billions of poured into the United States.

But all that ended quickly when Barack Obama took office.

Once Obama and congressional Democrats began handing out trillions of dollars in bailouts and posting record deficits, the confidence of world investors was badly shaken. The value of the U.S. dollar began plunging.

Since taking office, the Obama administration has increased the monetary base by a staggering $10 trillion (see chart below). In less than a year, it managed to DOUBLE the expected annual budget deficit to almost $2 trillion.


The result was predictable: The stock market rallied . . . but the once mighty dollar has PLUNGED against foreign currencies.

That’s WHY Warren Buffett, for the first time ever, shifted more than 20 percent of Berkshire Hathaway’s portfolio outside the country and into non-dollar assets.

This estimate does not include companies he holds, such as Coca-Cola, that draw huge portions of their earnings from abroad.

Save your wealth! Send for your FREE copy of our new report, "The Coming Dollar Devaluation: 8 Factors Every Investor Must Know," by Clicking Here Now.

Inflation Is About to Wipe Out the
Stock Market Gains of Recent Months!

These are dangerous times. If you have spent the past 10 YEARS investing in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, your investments have lost money — a lot of money. chart

Since the market hit its historic 2007 high, stocks have plummeted. In March of this year, the Dow hit a new decade low of 6,547 — a drop of more than 53 percent from the high. The market has rebounded since that low but remains down nearly 40 percent.

We predicted this year’s rally-back.

David Frazier, a stock analyst who is part of the Financial Intelligence Report’s Brain Trust, stated in a Moneynews article on March 11:

There’s a bright side to the recent downturn in equities — stocks are trading at ridiculously low prices relative to their companies’ cash flows, net asset values, and future earnings capacity. Stocks are headed higher. Buy now!

But here is what should really have you worried!

The recent stock market rally was fueled almost entirely by the MASSIVE infusion of $10 trillion in borrowed government cash, according to our FIR analysts.

All that government borrowing has boosted the market but will trigger inflation that the United States hasn’t seen since the 1970s.

If the stock market during the next two years rises by more than 8 percent a year but real inflation hits the U.S. economy at more than 10 percent, investors will experience negative asset value.

The same thing has happened with the socialist-controlled Venezuelan stock market, one of the few stock markets in the world doing well now. When you factor in that country’s skyrocketing inflation rate — now averaging 30 percent! — investors in Venezuela are losing their shirts.

Don’t be fooled! Click Here Now to get your FREE copy of
"The Coming Dollar Devaluation: 8 Factors Every Investor Must Know."


Obama Is Making the Same Mistake As . . .

Twenty years ago, Japan was one of the richest countries in the world and had one of the highest standards of living. Everyone was talking about "Theory Z" and the Japanese state-controlled approach to business.

Then, in the 1990s, the Japanese asset bubble in stocks and real estate went through a crash similar to what we are experiencing now.

Rather than use free-market approaches to address the problem, Japanese policymakers did many of the same things the Obama administration is doing today, such as keeping interest rates artificially low, spending heavily — and deliberately devaluing the yen to spur exports.

The result: The Japanese economy has NEVER recovered. The Nikkei, the Japanese stock market, plummeted 86% — and is STILL down 75% from its historic high.

Today, the Japanese rank 24th in the world in per-capita income, according to the International Monetary Fund.

Like Japan, the United States could see a significant unwinding of its real wealth. You’ll learn all about it in your FREE copy of "The Coming Dollar Devaluation: 8 Factors Every Investor Must Know" — where you’ll discover . . .

  • What the government DOESN’T want you to know about the rising national debt . . .
  • The world’s two most powerful inflation fighting strategies . . .
  • A little-known exchange-traded fund (ETF) that could skyrocket in value if the value of the dollar continues to sink . . .
  • A better way to invest for inflation . . . plus, a foreign stock that could make you piles of profits . . .
  • Why you can’t trust your pension fund when it comes to runaway inflation . . . and how you can take charge now . . .
  • What you need to know about the exploding U.S. money supply . . .
  • The No. 1 reason why the economy’s "green shoots" may be about to have battery acid thrown on them . . .
  • The truth about Obama’s trillion-dollar health plan . . . and why it’s driving investors away from the United States . . .
  • And MORE!

Get your FREE copy of our new report "The Coming Dollar Devaluation:
8 Factors Every Investor Must Know" by Clicking Here Now.

Imagine Making a 19% Gain During the
Past 12 Months Instead of
Taking a 17% Loss in the S&P 500!

Thus far, we have been telling you what's included in our special report "The Coming Dollar Devaluation: 8 Factors Every Investor Must Know."

But this is really just a start!

Our Financial Intelligence Report is, quite frankly, priceless.

Want proof?

Take a quick look at our performance! During the past 12 months, our model portfolio posted a net GAIN of 19% . . . while the S&P 500, even taking into account the recent market rally, has LOST 17% in the same period.


How is this possible? For one reason, the Financial Intelligence Report allows you to tap into the top financial minds from around the world.

We have shown an uncanny ability to uncover what truly is happening as it relates to the U.S. and global economies. It's easy to join the chorus line. We prefer to give you the facts before the rest.

Our reports and predictions have been so pinpoint accurate, they read like prophecy.

Here are a few examples of how the Financial Intelligence Report provided guidance and recommendations throughout the years:

  • We warned members about the mortgage meltdown two years before the crash.
  • We cautioned members in June 2004 about the falling dollar in: "The Dangerous Dollar Warning" issue.
  • We guided members to Canadian royalty trusts that went up as much as 100% in one year, while paying up to 15% dividends.
  • We revealed massive stealth inflation of more than 8% in the United States, even while the Federal Reserve was claiming 2.3% "core inflation," which conveniently excludes energy, food, taxes, and housing.
  • We warned members about the housing crash in our September 2004 issue.
  • We warned members about the looming baby boomer crisis, which could devastate U.S. financial and real estate markets.
  • We predicted the price of gold would skyrocket back in December 2003.
  • We steered members toward dividend stocks paying up to 17% a year, plus appreciation.
  • We provided you with new investment recommendations in every issue, some returning more than 100% a year.

Imagine what you would have made — and saved — if you had had this kind of financial intelligence three or four years ago.

Beck fights back with report on White House 'radical' Despite boycott led by group founded by Obama environmental czar

By Aaron Klein

Van Jones

Fox News host Glenn Beck last night continued reporting on the radical links of President Obama's "green jobs czar," Van Jones, despite a campaign led by a black activist organization founded by Jones demanding major advertisers

withdraw from Beck's top-rated television program.

Beck's segments about Jones were based in part on WND's reporting that Jones was as an admitted radical communist and black nationalist leader.

.... Jones' group claims it has secured commitments from 36 companies who have pledged not to advertise on Beck's show, including Wal-Mart and Sprint.

But most of the companies did not advertise on Beck's program to begin with. They simply purchased general advertising time on Fox News. The cable network says the companies will continue their advertising on the network.

.... Until recently, Jones was a longtime member of the board of Apollo Alliance, a coalition of labor, business, environmental and community leaders that claims on its website to be "working to catalyze a clean energy

revolution that will put millions of Americans to work in a new generation of high-quality, green-collar jobs."

He was a founder and leader of the communist revolutionary organization Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, or STORM. The organization had its roots in a grouping of black people organizing to protest the first Gulf War. STORM was formally founded in 1994, becoming one of the most influential and active radical groups in the San Francisco Bay area.

STORM worked with known communist leaders. It led the charge in black protests against various issues, including a local attempt to pass Proposition 21, a ballot initiative that sought to increase the penalties for violent crimes and require more juvenile offenders to be tried as adults.

The leftist blog Machete 48 identifies STORM's influences as "third-worldist Marxism (and an often vulgar Maoism)."

Speaking to the East Bay Express, Van Jones said he first became radicalized in the wake of the 1992 Rodney King riots, during which time he was arrested.

"I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th," he said. "By August, I was a communist."

"I met all these young radical people of color – I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.' I spent the next 10 years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary," he said.

Trevor Loudon, a researcher and opponent of communism who runs the New Zeal blog, identified several Bay Area communists who worked with STORM, including Elizabeth Martinez, who helped advise Jones' Ella Baker Human Rights Center, which Jones founded to advocate civil justice. Jones and Martinez also attended a "Challenging White Supremacy" workshop together.

.... One of STORM's newsletters featured a tribute to Amilcar Cabral, the late Marxist revolutionary leader of Guinea-Bissau and the Cape Verde Islands.

The tribute is noteworthy because Jones reportedly named his son after Cabral and reportedly concludes every e-mail with a quote from the communist leader.

STORM eventually fell apart amid bickering among its leaders.

Van Jones then moved on to environmentalism. He used his Ella Baker Center to advocate "inclusive" environmentalism and launch a Green-Collar Jobs Campaign, which led to the nation's first Green Jobs Corps in Oakland, Calif. ....

State prepares to challenge U.S. gun laws 'This is an issue where the federal government has no business'

By Bob Unruh

Supporters of a first-of-a-kind law in Montana that declared weapons or ammunition made and kept in Montana were exempt from federal rules are preparing for a court challenge to the federal government's insistence it will regulate those items.

.... The law provides guns and ammo made, sold and used in Montana do not require any federal forms, silencers made in Montana and sold in Montana would be fully legal and not registered and there would be no firearm registration, serial numbers, criminal records check, waiting periods or paperwork required.

The move is spreading quickly, too. Tennessee already has a similar law and similar plans have been introduced in Alaska, Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Minnesota and Michigan. Lawmakers in nearly 20 other states already have such plans in the works, too, officials confirmed. ....

Barney Frank focuses on reshaping economy

(Boston Globe) Frank is busy assembling a complex bill to give the federal government unprecedented control over the country’s financial institutions ...

Atty. Gen. Holder approved release of Lockerbie bomber?

(Associated Press) The Scottish government said it would release transcripts of talks between Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder ....

Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, convicted of the 1988 airplane bombing that killed 270 people, was released from a Scottish prison last week on compassionate grounds because he is dying of cancer. He returned to his native country, where he was greeted by a crowd waving Libyan and Scottish flags and throwing flower petals.

The Scottish administration has faced angry criticism from U.S. officials and the families of some Lockerbie victims, most of whom were American. ....

Cheney: CIA tactics saved lives, led to captures

(Fox News) Cheney refuted Holder's decision, saying it "serves as a reminder, if any were needed, of why so many Americans have doubts about this administration's ability" ...

U.S. Pays $31M for Development of Smallpox Treatment

from Global Security Newswire

The U.S. government has agreed to pay a Florida biopharmaceutical company $30.9 million to produce an inhaled version of an existing drug that would be used to treat people exposed to smallpox in a biological attack, the firm announced yesterday (see GSN, Feb. 12).

Nanotherapeutics Inc. received a five-year contract from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Its job is to develop a new form of cidofovir, an antiviral drug now provided through injection.

"Since transmission of smallpox occurs through inhalation of airborne variola virus, usually droplets expressed from the oral, nasal, or pharyngeal mucosa of an infected person, noninvasive antiviral treatment alternatives with proven agents (cidofovir) are needed," the company said in a press release.

The inhaled drug could also be provided to those who are more likely to suffer side effects from a smallpox vaccination, such as pregnant women or people with suppressed immune systems, the release states (Nanotherapeutics Inc. release, Aug. 24).

Meanwhile, Danish biotechnology firm Bavarian Nordic said yesterday that it is in negotiations with the United States for a contract to develop a freeze-dried form of its smallpox vaccine Imvamune.

The discussions are separate from the existing contract to provide the U.S. government with 20 million doses of the drug and licensing of a liquid-frozen version of Imvamune, according to a press release.

"A freeze-dried formulation of Imvamune offers various new advantages in terms of increased shelf-life and improved stability of the vaccine compared to the current liquid-frozen formulation," the release states. "Additionally, this will improve the cold-chain shipping logistics and storage. These are all important criteria for governments around the world that prioritize their bio terror preparedness" (Bavarian Nordic release, Aug. 24).

Al Qaeda Still 'Very Capable' Of US Strike

Al Qaeda is still "very capable" of carrying out a terrorist attack on US soil, according to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ....

Health care-what the revolt to freedom requires

by Alan Keyes

Once we shift the focus of the health care discussion from caring for sickness to preserving health, one thing becomes clear immediately. If we wish to remain a free people, health care cannot be the government's business. Though would-be tyrants like Obama want us to forget it, lawful coercion (the force of law) is what ultimately distinguishes government work from other group activities. ....

Two Administrations Drew Different Lessons From 2004 CIA Report

When an internal CIA report concluded in May 2004 that "unauthorized, improvised, inhumane, and undocumented" interrogation methods had been used on suspected al-Qaeda members, the predominant reaction within the Bush administration was not revulsion but frustration that the agency's efforts inside a network of secret prisons had not been more effective, former senior intelligence and White House officials recall.

Top officials in the Obama administration on Monday made clear that they read the report differently. Despite CIA resistance, they released unflattering portions of it on the same day the attorney general authorized a prosecutor to decide whether CIA employees broke the law while undertaking or overseeing those interrogations. ....

European Cyber-Gangs Target Small U.S. Firms

Organized cyber-gangs in Eastern Europe are increasingly preying on small and mid-size companies in the United States, setting off a multimillion-dollar online crime wave that has begun to worry the nation's largest financial institutions. ....

Fueling our security: The need for a defense energy strategy

By: Peter W. Singer

Whether you believe global climate change is caused by human-driven carbon emissions or unicorn flatulence, it is inarguable that the issue of energy is an enormous national security concern. ....

.... While some might weigh the environmental ramifications, we should think about this dependency in the way those in uniform must. Our forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are bound by what one Marine general called "the tether of fuel." Roughly half of these operations' logistics is solely the movement of fuel, most of which is not even for combat vehicles. Indeed, three of the four least fuel-efficient Army vehicles are trucks that haul fuel, echoing how Civil War armies had massive mule trains that followed them, ironically carrying mostly hay for the mules.

This doesn't just tie our forces down to long supply lines, vulnerable to enemy attack, but costs soldiers' lives. An Army study found that a mere 1 percent improvement in energy efficiency would mean that troops in Iraq would have to serve on 6,444 fewer convoy missions, a role considered one of the most dangerous in the operation. ....

U.S. Says Rendition to Continue, but With More Oversight

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration will continue the Bush administration’s practice of sending terrorism suspects to third countries for detention and interrogation, but pledges to closely monitor their treatment to ensure that they are not tortured, administration officials said Monday. ....

U.S. Researchers: Russian Military Plagued

By Michael Bruno

Several U.S. researchers in Washington painted a grim picture of the Russian military Aug. 24, saying the former Cold War adversary has embarked on a necessary reform campaign after decades of corruption and shrinking capacity.

Two researchers, Stephen Blank of the U.S. Army War College and Dale Herspring of Kansas State University, told a Hudson Institute audience that Russian media and military leaders are widely lamenting the state of Russia’s military, recently brought to worldwide attention by its difficult – albeit ultimately successful – invasion of Georgia a year ago. “The Russians were not ready for that war,” Herspring said. ....

Two Issues, Same Root Problem

(Analyst's note: Here is yet another interesting letter I just received.)

Dear Robert,

Below you will find two short articles, one an assessment of Iran’s nuclear missile advances by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, the second a story posted on Jihad Watch about how a meatpacking plant in Colorado is accommodating its Muslim workers.

As different as these two issues are, they illustrate the failure of the typical Western response in dealing with the relentless advance of militant Islam. Iran has no respect for the olive branches being extended to it by the Obama administration; it proceeds full-speed ahead in its quest for nuclear weaponry — and the power to intimidate that will come with it.

After a major conflict one year ago, Muslim workers in the meatpacking plant receive accommodations not accorded to any other workers of any other faith. Does that satisfy them? No, according to the article below they are now asking that 400 workers be moved to a day shift to accommodate them for Ramadan.

In several New Jersey schools, the administrations are reportedly grappling with how to accommodate the demands made by some Muslim parents that their children be provided private prayer rooms in the schools so they can break away from classes to pray multiple times a day. If the schools capitulate to this demand, do you think this will be the last demand these parents, or other Muslim parents, make?

Many issues, same root problem.

Institute for Contemporary Affairs

founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation

Vol. 9, No. 7 25 August 2009

New Developments in Iran's Missile Capabilities:

Implications Beyond the Middle East

Uzi Rubin
  • Iran is vigorously pursuing several missile and space programs at an almost feverish pace with impressive achievements. The Iranians have upgraded their ballistic missiles to become satellite launchers. To orbit a satellite is a very complicated project. There are missile stages, and a careful guidance and control system to insert the satellite into a stable, desired trajectory. They took the Shahab, extended it a bit, added more propellant, and now they have the Safir space launch vehicle. Moreover, the Iranians built a two-stage satellite launcher, instead of the usual three stage rockets for space-lift vehicles. This is incomparable to anything we know — an impressive engineering achievement.
  • In spite of the Missile Technology Control Regime and in the face of sanctions, Iran has succeeded in acquiring the needed infrastructure and to raise a cadre of proficient scientists and engineers backed by academic and research institutes. Iranian missile technology is moving ahead of the level developed by the North Koreans.
  • The solid-propellant Sejil missile signifies a breakthrough. This missile already poses a threat to a number of European Union countries. Based on its demonstrated achievements in solid propulsion and staging, Iran will face no significant hurdle in upscaling the Sejil into a compact, survivable intermediate-range ballistic missile. A range of 3,600 km. will be sufficient to put most of the EU under threat.
  • Contrary to an initial report by U.S. and Russian scientists for the EastWest Institute, with the Sejil, Iran has demonstrated its proficiency in using solid-fuel rockets that have much shorter preparation times than do older liquid-fuel missiles. The West must already prepare for the period in the not-too-distant future when Iran deploys nuclear warheads on its missile forces, which can be dispersed in mountainous regions of Iran and will not be easy to find.

August 24, 2009

Sharia 1, Colorado meat packing plant 0

Just imagine this: "JBS has created two chapels for Christian workers inside the plant — one for Roman Catholics and one for Protestants. Also, the company has installed holy water fonts for Roman Catholics that allow workers to anoint themselves with holy water, which is custom on entering the chapel."

Imagine what the outcry would be.

But this — this is fine!

Stealth Jihad at Swift Update: "JBS, Muslims vow harmony," by Chris Casey in the
Greeley Tribune, August 21 (thanks to John):

Just a day before the beginning of Ramadan, the holy month of fast and prayer for Muslims, talks between meatplant workers, union representatives and company officials continued in earnest.

The objective: Avoid a repeat of the showdown at sundown that flared at JBS USA meatpacking plants in Greeley and Grand Island, Neb., last September.

During Ramadan, Muslims don't eat or drink during daylight hours. They break their daily fast after sunset prayers.

Miscommunication about how to handle the religious practices resulted in more than 100 Muslim workers – mostly Somalis, but also other East African refugees who've moved to Greeley in recent years – being fired last September for walking off production lines.

Graen Isse, a Somali who helps operate the East Africa Community Center in Greeley, said he thinks conflicts will be avoided this year.

“We have good communication with the company,” he said. “I don't think it's going to happen. Before, there was no communication at all. The key is communication.”

Unlike last year at this time, JBS has created two prayer rooms for Muslim workers inside the plant — one for men and one for women. Also, the company has installed stations in restrooms that allow workers to thoroughly wash, which is custom before prayers.

Still, some Muslims on the B shift, which runs from late afternoon to late evening and runs into prayers at sundown, have requested a monthlong switch to the daytime A shift to avoid conflicts, Isse said.

“I don't think they're going to move 400 workers to A shift,” Isse said of JBS. “It's hard for them to do.”...

Yes, but now that Swift is in "How high?" mode, so now is the time to press for that.

Obama Documents: The Facts You Need To Know

(Analyst's note: This is an interesting and compelling letter that I just received. I share it with you in hopes that you will also read and carefully consider it's contents.)

from Gary Kreep, Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation

Dear Concerned Friend,

Ghandi once said, "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."

We're going to win -- but we need YOUR help to cross that finish line.


In recent weeks, the liberal media, especially Chris Matthews of Hard Ball and Keith Olbermann of MSNBC, have gone to great lengths to attack and ridicule those who question whether Barack Obama is eligible to serve as President of the United States.

Recently, a liberal columnist raised the interesting question of why are these "attack dogs" so viciously going after any of those who would raise such a question. The columnist pointed out that this issue was hardly touched at all by the media during the 2008 election, despite the fact that it was brought up by then Senator Hillary Clinton and despite the lawsuit filed by Democrat activist Phil Berg on the subject. So his question was, "why now?"

In my opinion, the simple reason is that the question as to whether Mr. Obama is eligible to serve as President of the United States has become a national issue--as a result of efforts by the United States Justice Foundation and by WorldNetDaily.com. According to recent polls, over half of the public in the United States are aware of this issue, and over forty percent want the matter resolved. As a result, these "attack dogs" have gone on the attack and are hoping to discredit, demoralize, or destroy anyone who dares raise the question.

Case in point: the recent attacks on Lou Dobbs. Lou Dobbs has stated that he does NOT believe the claims that Mr. Obama is not eligible to serve as President of the United States. However, he HAS questioned why Mr. Obama has not made public his actual birth certificate. He has also had guests on his show who question the eligibility of Mr. Obama to serve as President. However, the "attack dogs" in the media, and radical groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, will not tolerate ANY free speech on this issue

Anyone who questions the eligibility of Mr. Obama to be President, even in an innocent way of suggesting that he produce his actual birth certificate to resolve the issue, is immediately -- and viciously -- attacked. These "attack dogs," even including the superiors of Mr. Dobbs at CNN, will tolerate no contradiction to their views.

CNN even went to the bizarre extent of claiming that Mr. Obama's actual birth certificate was destroyed in 2001, thus, essentially, calling Hawaii State Officials -- who claim to have seen it -- liars. The extent to which these "attack dogs" will go knows no bounds!

But I can promise you this: We will NOT be bullied into stopping our quest for the TRUTH -- but we need YOUR help to keep going!


Recently, I was invited to be the guest on a radio program. I was told that I would be treated in a professional manner. When I got on the show, the host started off by reading what appeared to be a racist rant from some purported Republican Party official and then, without giving me a chance to comment, asked me a question having nothing to do with the rant against Mr. Obama. This is just the typical thing that liberal journalists do, making a series of derogatory comments leading into an interview with a guest, implying that the guest somehow is supportive of or involved with such comments, and then try to divert the guest away from that subject so that they do not respond. Fortunately, I did respond and I said that anyone who made such racist comments should be removed from any position that they had with the Republican Party. And then I pointed out that such comments and such beliefs had nothing to do with the litigation that I am personally handling concerning the Obama eligibility issue.

As everyone should know, my client in that litigation (Former Ambassador Alan Keyes) is African American, and he is not a member of the Republican Party. However, the truth has little to do with what the "attack dogs" want to promote. They don't care about the truth. They don't care about the damage that such attacks on free speech do to the nation. They don't care about the damage being done to our Constitution if Mr. Obama is not eligible to serve as President of the United States.

All Mr. Obama has to do is produce his actual birth certificate and allow it to be examined by experts. Until he does that, this question will NOT be resolved, no matter how much the "attack dogs" go after anyone who DARES to raise this issue.

I, for one, and the United States Justice Foundation, will NOT be intimidated, coerced, or harassed into silence. We intend to FIGHT this battle until either Mr. Obama proves that he satisfies all of the requirements to serve as President of the United States, or until he is out of office if he is not so qualified.

First, they ignored us... then, they ridiculed us... now, they're fighting us.

Soon, we will win. But we need YOUR help to get over that finish line!


Last November, people said that we were crazy to pursue this issue. Now, we've been shown to be right in our pursuit of the truth. You see, it's not just the original birth certificate that they're refusing to release. Barack Obama, according to a published report, has spent over one million dollars so far to STOP anyone from seeing ANY of his actual identification documents, or many other documents, such as:

  • His actual long-form birth certificate (NOT an easily-forged electronic copy of a short-form document that is not even officially accepted as proof of birth by the State of Hawaii)
  • His passport files
  • His University of Chicago Law School scholarly articles
  • His Harvard Law School records
  • His Columbia University records
  • His Columbia University senior thesis, "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament"
  • His Occidental College records, including information on any financial aid that he received
  • His Punahou School records, where Mr. Obama attended from the fifth grade until he finished high school
  • His Noelani Elementary School records, where he attended kindergarten (according to the Hawaii Department of Education, students must submit a birth certificate to register -- but parents may bring a passport or student visa if the child is from a foreign country)
  • His Complete files and schedules of his years as an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004
  • Mr. Obama's client list from during his time in private practice with the Chicago law firm of Davis, Miner, Barnhill and Gallard
  • His Illinois State Bar Association records
  • His Baptism records
  • The Obama/Dunham marriage license
  • The Soetoro/Dunham marriage license
  • His adoption records

By the way, the issue of the Occidental College records is especially pertinent. The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) served officials at Occidental College with a subpoena to produce records concerning Barack Obama's attendance there during the 1980s, because they could document whether he was attending as a foreign national. You see, Mr. Obama attended the school on a scholarship -- and there are questions as to whether the financial aid that he received was reserved for foreign students. Barack Obama's attorneys bent over backward to block us. He doesn't want anyone to see those records. He's STILL trying to hide them; those financial records STILL have not been released.

During the 2004 presidential election, John Kerry hid his school records. When they were finally released, it turned out that he had hidden them because his grades were so low. Is that what Mr. Obama is doing?

WHAT is Barack Obama trying to hide? WHAT is he afraid of? WHY doesn't he just release these documents to prove that he is a natural-born citizen and, therefore, qualified to serve as President -- especially his actual birth certificate?

Isn't it time we FORCED him to come clean?


I dared bring Barack Obama into court to force him to produce his birth certificate and to put an end to the controversy over his status as a "natural born" citizenship once and for all. And now he's coming after me and the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) -- the public-interest legal group that I founded over 30 years ago -- with a vengeance!

Why? Because we dare to seek the TRUTH!

And they must have something to hide, because Mr. Obama's attorneys have threatened to spend, and then sanction, USJF out of existence.

All this because we started asking ONE SIMPLE QUESTION: Where Was Barack Hussein Obama born?

Dan Ruddy, a presidential historian, who has a book coming out next year on Theodore Roosevelt, recently pointed out on NewsMax.com just how rare Obama is among presidents. He said we have no idea of where his birthplace actually is.

Ruddy noted that, of our unbroken line of 43 men who have served as president, only Zachary Taylor and Andrew Jackson -- both born on the frontier -- have disputed birth sites. Every other president has some commemoration for his place of birth... except for Barack Obama. In fact, his family has given two different hospitals in Hawaii where he was alleged to have been born.

Frankly, the evidence that Barack Hussein Obama was born in Africa -- not Hawaii as he claims -- and, therefore, cannot serve as the President of the United States, is compelling.

  • First, Mr. Obama's refusal to release his birth certificate. If he has nothing to hide, what does he gain by refusing to allow the press to see the birth certificate?
  • Second, the contention by Barack Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, that Mr. Obama was born in a particular Hawaiian hospital, only to claim that it was in a different hospital several years later. Plus, there is the recent letter that Mr. Obama wrote, contradicting his previous statements as to which hospital that he claims to have been born in, in Hawaii.
  • Third, the erecting of a wall around Barack Obama's grandmother, the late Madelyn Dunham, by Mr. Obama, thus cutting off access to the one person then alive who would have been present if he was actually born in Hawaii.
  • Fourth, the posting of law enforcement personnel at the two hospitals in Honolulu mentioned by Ms. Soetoro-Ng in an effort to block the press from discovering the truth about the birth certificate.
  • Fifth, a taped phone conversation with Mr. Obama's step-grandmother, who claims that she was present at his birth... in what is now called Kenya!
  • Sixth, the "birth certificate" posted on the Obama campaign website and other liberal websites. Since Barack Obama was born in 1961, long before laser printers and office computers, his original birth certificate would be typewritten ... unlike the laser printed "copy" purported to be genuine.

The evidence demands that Barack Obama answer why he has been hiding the truth from the American people about his eligibility to run for, and serve as, President!


It's TRUE. Not only does Mr. Obama continue to categorically refuse to produce the decisive evidence proving whether he is a "natural born" citizen, his high-priced LA-based "dream team" of attorneys has USJF squarely in its crosshairs! And they're loading both barrels!

So, unless you help me and my team here at USJF to stand our ground in court, Mr. Obama's hired guns could blow a financial hole in USJF's ability to be the proverbial thorn in Mr. Obama's side!

Barack Obama continues to battle any attempt to see his real birth certificate -- producing only a phony one posted on his website -- as well as fighting us tooth and nail as we seek access to his college records... records which we believe may prove that he was foreign born!

USJF served that subpoena upon Occidental College to gain access to Mr. Obama's college records, and we are fighting to get at the truth on many other fronts, as well, including:

  • Appealing a case filed by USJF in California, all the way up to the United States Supreme Court, if necessary, on behalf of 2008 Presidential candidate Alan Keyes, calling into question Mr. Obama's status as a "natural born" citizen;
  • Funding and assisting local attorneys and Plaintiffs, in similar lawsuits, in Ohio, Hawaii, and Mississippi -- AND we've drafted more lawsuits to file over this issue; and
  • We have initiated a campaign demanding that every State Attorney General take action now to just show us the TRUTH.

You see, when Barack Obama officially entered the office of President, he became, in essence, a "pretender to the throne." According to the Constitution, only a "natural born citizen" can occupy the presidency.

Even though he was sworn in on January 20, 2009, Barack Obama is NOT legally the President of the United States, unless he is a "natural born citizen."

What's more, every action taken by him while he occupies the White House may be invalid. If he cannot legally serve as President, every law passed by Congress will be null and void because the Constitution clearly requires that all laws be signed by the President... and, without a legally elected and sworn in President in office, that becomes an impossibility.

Quite frankly, this crisis must be ended! And it must be ended NOW!

And that's just what we're fighting to do. The United States Justice Foundation is spearheading a campaign to protect the United States Constitution... and your liberty.

We have to press our case to stop Barack Obama from, apparently, illegally holding the Presidency, despite the ongoing threats against us. We are speaking of filing additional lawsuits and administrative actions, over and above the dozens already filed, if you will help us today.

I need your help right now in order to win this battle. Helping USJF with this campaign is your best shot, and, possibly your only chance, at finding out whether Barack Obama is legally holding the Presidency of our great nation, or whether he is a fraud -- a usurper!


Are you willing to see the Constitution shredded by the Left? Will you sit back and do nothing while a foreign-born person may be illegally occupying the White House as President of the United States?

We will not be intimidated. But we MUST have your help immediately if USJF is to survive this fight to the finish -- and if the U.S. Constitution is to weather this crisis intact!

Our country is on the fast track to disaster ... but you can help us keep the situation from getting worse. I pray that I'll hear from you today.


Gary Kreep, Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation

To donate by check, please mail to:

United States Justice Foundation
National Processing Center
PO Box 131637
Dept Code 2882
Houston, TX 77219-1637

The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a non-profit organization,
whose tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3) has been recognized
by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible.
Corporate contributions may be accepted

Yale Selects Daughter of Global Muslim Brotherhood Leader as 2009 Fellow

In the wake of news that Yale decided to leave the Mohammed cartoons out of a book on the topic, we discover that the university selected a daughter of a Global Muslim Brotherhood leader as a 2009 fellow

U.S. sends Gitmo jihadist home to family in Kabul

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Bioethicist Becomes a Lightning Rod for Criticism

WASHINGTON — Few people hold a more uncomfortable place at the health care debate’s intersection between nuanced policy and cable-ready political rhetoric than President Obama’s special health care adviser, Dr. Ezekiel J. Emanuel. ....

RI gov to shut down state government for 12 days

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - Rhode Island will shut down its state government for 12 days and hopes to trim millions of dollars in funding for local governments under a plan Gov. Don Carcieri outlined Monday to balance a budget hammered by surging unemployment and plummeting tax revenue.

The shutdown will force 81 percent of the roughly 13,550-member state work force, excluding its college system, to stay home a dozen days without pay before the start of the new fiscal year in July.

The closures come as the worst recession in decades has eliminated hundreds of millions of dollars in tax collections and pushed unemployment to 12.7 percent, the second-highest jobless rate in the nation behind Michigan. ....

Cheney Statement on CIA Documents/Investigation

by Stephen F. Hayes

Former Vice President Dick Cheney gave The Weekly Standard a statement Monday night about the CIA documents and the coming Justice Department investigation.

The documents released Monday clearly demonstrate that the individuals subjected to Enhanced Interrogation Techniques provided the bulk of intelligence we gained about al Qaeda. This intelligence saved lives and prevented terrorist attacks. These detainees also, according to the documents, played a role in nearly every capture of al Qaeda members and associates since 2002. The activities of the CIA in carrying out the policies of the Bush Administration were directly responsible for defeating all efforts by al Qaeda to launch further mass casualty attacks against the United States. The people involved deserve our gratitude. They do not deserve to be the targets of political investigations or prosecutions. President Obama’s decision to allow the Justice Department to investigate and possibly prosecute CIA personnel, and his decision to remove authority for interrogation from the CIA to the White House, serves as a reminder, if any were needed, of why so many Americans have doubts about this Administration’s ability to be responsible for our nation’s security.

$9,000,000,000,000 in the Hole (give or take a few trillion)

The mid-year review from the Office of Management and Budget, released Tuesday, estimates that the 2009 deficit will be $1.58 trillion, which is $262 billion less than officials predicted earlier in the year. But the 10-year projection rose to $9 trillion, while the Congressional Budget Office estimated the 10-year deficit at $7.1 trillion. .... But both offices warned that with higher deficits leading to higher national debt, in turn increasing the federal government's interest payments on that debt, the economy is in serious trouble.