Sunday, October 11, 2009

Concern Grows Over Threatened Terror Attack on Germany

from National Terror Alert

Concern over a possible al Qaeda terror attack in Germany is being fueled by buzz on a number of Jihadi web forums. Last week MEMRI reported that a message released on the Al-Falluja jihadist forum warned of an al Qaeda terror attack against Germany, to be carried out on an apparently ‘random’ Sunday during the month of October. Heading into another weekend, the increased chatter is obviously making many a bit nervous.

From CBS News
Jihadi Web forums have been abuzz with anticipation over the likelihood of an al Qaeda attack against Germany, with jihadi supporters speculating eagerly over potential targets, dates, timings, and even casualty numbers.

A blogger going by the name “Yaman Mokhaddab” posted what he claimed was “Western intelligence” giving 13 hints about the upcoming attacks, warning that they would be much worse than 9/11.

On the popular al-Fallojah forums, “Mohami al-Dawla” speculated Thursday about how many would be killed and the economic damage that would be inflicted. He speculated confidently that we are likely to witness the first WMD attack in the history of modern Jihad.

via Source.

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