Thursday, September 17, 2009

When Bishops Despise Their Enemies and Bear False Witness

By Roy Beck

The immigration debate often brings out the worst in people, but it still is disappointing to see the sad display by a number of bishops and other religious leaders yesterday outside the Capitol. They used their prayer vigil to spew hatred at their fellow Christians and other Americans working to reduce immigration in order to help the most vulnerable members of our society.

Look at the Episcopal news service story below that describes the vigil land the sentiments behind it.

The United Methodist, Episcopal and Catholic bishops held the prayer vigil/publicity event to call for an end to hateful rhetoric in the immigration debate.

But as far as I can see most of the hateful rhetoric this week has come from organizations campaigning for amnesty and higher immigration. All the mud-slinging and name-calling has come from America's Voice, the National Council of La Raza, their close allies in Congress and now from these religious leaders.

I'm not hearing our the leaders on our side call immigrants names or demonize them. What I hear from our side is a request for a rational public policy debate about how to set a reasonable number for immigration and how to enforce that law. ....

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