Thursday, September 17, 2009

Patriots' newest target: Obama 'Minion Media'

By Chelsea Schilling

In the wake of the massive 9/12 march on Washington, American citizens outraged by President Obama and the actions of Congress are now setting their sights on a new target – the so-called mainstream media.

On his Sept. 14 show, talk show host Rush Limbaugh urged citizens who are frustrated by a media blackout of the nation's growing movement against Obama administration policies to bring their protests to the front doors of major media outlets.

9/12 march on Washington photo (Flickr)

"The media [are] no longer reporters. They are repeaters," Limbaugh said. "There have been hundreds and thousands of protests by conservative groups that haven't been covered, and tiny turnouts by the left that are covered."

He continued, "What about this? We're looking for a force multiplier. Yeah, the protest in Washington on Saturday was great, two million people, but imagine what a force multiplier would be if the next one were held outside of local and national television networks and their headquarters where they can't miss it?"

Limbaugh suggested citizens host tea parties "on or next to the properties housing the TV networks."

"Dare them to cover what is right under their noses!" he said.

"Put the media in the spotlight and on the hot seat. Don't make them the protest. Continue to protest Obama. Protest health care. Protest the loss of liberty. Protest the coming tyranny. Just do it on their property or as close to it as you can get being law-abiding and all that. … Just show up where they can't miss it. Show up in numbers where they can't escape it." ....

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