Monday, September 22, 2008

"Obsession" Irks US Muslims

CAIRO — US Muslims are infuriated by a controversial anti-Islam documentary being widely circulated across the country, including with many leading newspapers, to scare Americans from Islam and Muslims.

"The film goes beyond an honest critique of terrorism and radicalism," Ahmed Rehab, strategic communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), told the Tampa Tribune on Sunday, September 21.

"They're exploiting the fear and hysteria in this country to try and sell a larger conflict that is essentially a religious conflict."

"Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West," a documentary originally produced in 2006, is now re-released and widely distributed via an unprecedented campaign.

A truncated 60-minute DVD of the film is inserted into some 70 leading newspapers around the country.

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