Tuesday, August 25, 2009

State prepares to challenge U.S. gun laws 'This is an issue where the federal government has no business'

By Bob Unruh

Supporters of a first-of-a-kind law in Montana that declared weapons or ammunition made and kept in Montana were exempt from federal rules are preparing for a court challenge to the federal government's insistence it will regulate those items.

.... The law provides guns and ammo made, sold and used in Montana do not require any federal forms, silencers made in Montana and sold in Montana would be fully legal and not registered and there would be no firearm registration, serial numbers, criminal records check, waiting periods or paperwork required.

The move is spreading quickly, too. Tennessee already has a similar law and similar plans have been introduced in Alaska, Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Minnesota and Michigan. Lawmakers in nearly 20 other states already have such plans in the works, too, officials confirmed. ....

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