Friday, May 29, 2009

When politics rules medicine Government rationing of medical services reality in some states

from WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – As the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress move to provide government-controlled health care on a national level, similar experiments in some states suggest medical care can take a backseat to politics and bureaucratic red tape – resulting in even urgent, life-saving treatments being denied while so-called "preventive services" get priority.

Oregon, for example, has become the first government in the world to draw up a formal procedure for rationing health care, shifting priorities away from life-saving measures to more politically popular treatments, Health Care News reports.

The state health care program for low-income people ranks treatments for various diseases and conditions in order of priority. If a treatment ranks 504 or lower on the scale, no treatment will be authorized.

Some of the ailments that will not be covered include such serious conditions as vocal cord paralysis or deformities in one's upper body and limbs. However, therapy for youthful conduct disorder, pathological gambling, mild depression and mood disorders are covered.....

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