Saturday, October 24, 2009

$2 Billion For Oil Drilling in Brazil - Oil Give Away To Russia

(Analyst's note:  Absolutely must read.  Please be sure you're sitting down.  I don't often find one that I don't know how to highlight, but this is certainly one such letter.)

Source:  A friend

I put out an article on this several weeks back.  We are getting closer to the U.S. lending $2B to Brazil to drill for oil that they will sell back to us at much higher prices.  Why can't we drill our own oil, not pay Brazil for their oil, and use the profit to help pay off our national debt?  Carbon produced by Brazil and sold to China and oil drilling in Alaska, the foot of the Rockies, and off shore will make the same amount of carbon.  Looks like someone just wants to keep us in debt forever, it serves the administrations needs to keep us poor and them in charge.  Here is the original article. 

I happened to hear on my car radio -- don't know what station -- that President Obama is giving $2 billion to Brazil so they can drill for oil. Furthermore, the company Brazil has selected is owned by George Soros.  Mr. Soros is one of the world's richest men and a major supporter of Democrat candidates, including the President. The first question that comes to mind is how is this possible? It's my understanding that Congress holds the purse strings. Have they voted on this?  And by the way, guess who in Brazil owns the oil company and will be selling it back to the U.S.? You guessed it Obiwan's long time friend and confident, George Soros.  Sound a little fishy to you - it should.  Is it legal?  Ethical? No way.  Friends doing friends favors - more like it. 

Part II:

I received a letter from the Department of State regarding a survey on the State Department Alaska Giveaway.

Right now,  even as I write to you, unelected State Department bureaucrats are negotiating to give away thousands of square miles of sovereign U.S. territory to the thugs that now run Russia - the same kind of thugs who ran the Communist Soviet Union -- and they are doing it right under the nose of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 
These bureaucrats are giving away eight strategically and economically vital Alaska Islands that contain billions of barrels of oil, millions of tons of fish, and other seafood.  As well as more million of tons of valuable minerals and ores. 

The Russians then get to sell the U.S. back billions of barrels of our own oil, and add to the $50 million a day we already send to them for oil.  What a horrendous scandal.

If Secretary of State Clinton doesn't immediately move to stop these out of control bureaucrats, Wrangell Island, Herald Island, Bennett Island, Jannette Island, Henrietta Island, Copper Isand, Sea Lion Rock and Sea Otter Rock, with all of their riches - including oil that is worth billions of dollars will soon be part of Russia, not America.

And our only hope to stop this giveaway is to convince Secretary Clinton that we will never allow this illegal and immoral giveaway.  Please find a way to write to Hilliary and tell her she cannot let this happen. 

My Note: Again we see the current administration giving away oil and resources that we could use to buy down our debt.  But they see fit to give it away and keep us poor.  They use the excuse that  we are going away from oil.  I can tell you that China, Russia and many other nations are not going away from oil.  They are working very hard to bury this country into even more debt and cause a total collapse.  You must write to your representatives on these matters. 

By the way, this is nothing that can be blamed on GWB.  It is all happening in the current administration and being done on purpose to keep us down, and keep us from recovering and boosting the U.S. dollar. 

The gangsters are working hard to drive us to socialism and ruination.

If anyone has a rational reason why we are giving all this oil up for free to be sold back to the U.S. at higher prices I will like to hear from you.  Until I find a rational explanation it is a plain and simple matter of purposely ruining the country for unethical, illegal, long-range political gains.


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