Monday, September 21, 2009

Soros: Republic Enemy #1

(Analyst's note:  A long, yet troubling read.  Please consider clicking on title above to read the entire article.)

by Jim O'Neill

The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.—George Soros
“George Soros is an evil man. He’s anti-God, anti-family, anti-American, and
—Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

Is it possible to lay the global financial meltdown,  the radicalizing of the Democratic Party, and America’s moral decline, at the feet of one man? 

It is indeed possible.  

If George Soros isn’t the world’s preeminent “malignant messianic narcissist,” he’ll do until the real thing comes along.  Move over, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot.  There’s a new kid on the block.
What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed moral values, and a sociopath’s lack of conscience.  He considers himself to be a world class philosopher, despises capitalism, and just loves social engineering.  

Uh oh.  Can you say “trouble,” boys and girls?  

Soros is a real life version of Dr. Evil—with Obama in the role of Mini-Me.  Which is not as humorous as it might at first sound.  In fact, it’s bone-deep chilling. 

György Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary.  Soros’ father, Tivadar, was a fervent practitioner of Esperanto—a language invented in 1887, and designed to be the first global language, free of any national identity.

The Schwartz’s, who were non-practicing Jews, changed the family name to Soros, in order to facilitate assimilation into the gentile population, as the Nazis spread into Hungary during the 1930s.  Soros is an Esperanto word meaning “to soar.” 

In 1944 Hitler’s henchman Adolf Eichmann arrived in Hungary, to oversee the murder of that country’s Jews.  The Soros children were all given fake identity papers, and were shipped out to various Christian families.  George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population.  Soros went with him on his rounds.

Soros has repeatedly called 1944 “the best year of his life.”  

In an article in the Wall Street Journal, Joshua Muravchik notes that, “70% of Mr. Soros’s fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human beings, were annihilated in that year. They were dying and disappearing all around him, and their numbers no doubt included many whom he knew personally. Yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect.” ....

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