Saturday, September 19, 2009

ACORN votes are nothing but 'cover' Bachmann says disgraced group still eligible for billions of tax dollars

By Bob Unruh

U.S. Rep. John Boehner of Ohio, the top Republican in the U.S. House of Representatives, is demanding a straight up-or-down vote on a bill dedicated to removing ACORN from the list of recipients of federal largesse, or says he'll force the issue.

And a key conservative vote, U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., says unless there is such an action, it will mean the recent votes on that very issue were nothing but "cover." 

Filmmaker James O'Keefe and an associate, Hannah Giles, for the last week have been posting undercover videos on the Big website, revealing the actions and attitudes of employees of ACORN, an organization for whom President Obama once worked.

The two posed as a pimp and prostitute and have asked questions about setting up brothels, importing underage girls for prostitution and tax issues, largely getting affirmative help from the ACORN employees, several of whom already have been fired for their statements.

One of the undercover videos feature a woman identified as Tresa Kaelke at an ACORN office in California:

The result has been that the U.S. Census Bureau has cut ties to Acorn and both houses of Congress have taken votes to halt funding to the organization. The problem with that, Bachmann says, is that the votes were on amendments to different bills and "still have far to go before they reach the president's pen for signature into law."

Bachmann warns, "ACORN still remains eligible for billions of your tax dollars."

"And don't think that the Democrats won't try to strip the ACORN language from whatever bill finally makes it to the White House," Bachmann continued. "These votes were their cover.

"They think that you'll be fooled into thinking that they've heard your outrage and are abandoning their good buddy, ACORN."....

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