Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11 Video – Remembering What We Saw

(Analyst's note: Absolutely must read - see.)

from National Terror Alert

You need to watch this…This home video of the 9/11 terror attack on the World Trade Center was filmed from a 36th floor apartment very close to the North Tower. It’s a view of 911 that you may not have seen and one that you should.

The events of 9/11 are familiar to everyone. Perhaps so much so that over time many have become desensitized to the actual events of that day. To me, what is absolutely chilling, is how the video captures the personal experience of the couple shooting the video. It is their comments, telephone calls, shock and anguish that brings back a flood of emotions from that day.

Take a few moments to watch, remember and never forget… (Due To the number of viewers page may need to be refreshed to load)

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