Monday, August 31, 2009

WND Exclusive Look who Muslims promote as 'Antichrist' 52-part documentary, 'The Arrivals,' going viral on Internet

Guess who is being promoted as the "Antichrist" in a new 52-part video documentary making the rounds on YouTube?

The Islamic production company responsible makes the case that the endtimes global leader, also known as "the Beast of Revelation," will actually be the Christian and Jewish Messiah. ....

The author, a student of Islam, says the notions put forward in the documentary are not fringe within the Islamic community. ....

"According to the documentary, Jesus Christ as He has been worshipped by Christians throughout history is merely a Christianized version of Ra, the Egyptian Sun god. Accordingly, the video makes the following claim about Jesus (aka Ra): "The 'one-eyed' sun god was referred to as 'the son of god,' 'the light of the world' and 'the ruler of all.' Has the Church deceived its followers into worshipping a one-eyed sun god? Has there been a worldwide conspiracy that is preparing the world to accept the one-eyed dajjal as the true messiah?"

In "The Islamic Antichrist," Richardson exposes Western Christians to the Muslim traditions. He says most Christians have no idea of the stunning similarities between biblical Antichrist and the "Islamic Mahdi."

"According to Islamic tradition, under the reign of the Mahdi, the Islamic religious community will be so blessed, so wealthy, that anyone who asks from the Mahdi for anything, it will be granted," he writes.

Richardson's book stands in stark contrast to most other popular prophecy books of the last 40 years.

The student of Islam and the Middle East says that after decades of reading popular prophecy books and even best-selling fiction like the "Left Behind" series, millions of evangelical Christians around the world are expecting the Antichrist to emerge from a revived Roman Empire, which many have assumed is associated with the Roman Catholic Church and the European Union.

Not so, argues Richardson. His book makes the case that the biblical Antichrist is one and the same as the Quran's Muslim Mahdi. ....

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