Sunday, August 23, 2009

The necessary war: Americans must rally to battle terrorism in Afghanistan

A disheartening new poll says more than half of Americans think the war in Afghanistan isn't worth fighting. In increasing numbers, people are asking: Why are we even over there?

This week's election was a powerful reminder: To stop terrorists from planting their evil seed in that fertile ground ever again.

On Thursday, Afghans proved, as people repeatedly have proven throughout history, that hope can triumph over fear. They went to the polls in the face of violence and threats by the Taliban.

While fear did suppress the turnout, some northern districts reported 100% participation. In Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand Province, the center of the Taliban insurgency, hundreds cast ballots.

This is why we fight. Our terrorist enemies live in Afghanistan. But, as the week's election proved, so may our future allies. ....

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