Friday, August 28, 2009

Letter to Senator McCain - just received

Dear Senator McCain:

First of all, please allow me to express my gratitude for your service to your Country; your ordeal while under captivity by the Socialist/Communist Vietnamese, is illustrative of the violent nature of ideological Socialism. The terrible injuries that were inflicted upon you by those socialists, is a horror story in and of itself!

Which gives me pause Senator! It is no secret that Obama is a socialist, a Marxist Socialist, a Saul Alinsky-trained Marxist/ Socialist "Community Organizer", who is taking this Nation down the road through Fascism/Socialism, to the inevitable eventuality of Communism! It puzzle me then, why you would want to help a socialist, when you suffered so much personal agony at socialist hands?

Obama's Health Care is a death warrant for many veterans as yourself, who fought socialist regimes for our freedom! Our WWII Veterans fought Hitler's "National Socialism", and Bonito Mussolini's "Fascism", while our Korean veterans fought Korean/Chinese Communism; in short, this Nations' veterans have fought those ideologies, and many have died in the process! And now, because they are old, some Obama-appointed bureaucrat will evaluate their "worth", and determine whether or not they are "entitled" to life extending, and life saving treatment and procedures! There is much more "wrong" with this socialized Health Care Legislation, but the systematic annihilation of our old people, because they committed the "crime" of merely growing old, is particularly heinous, because of its impact on those veterans!

Why then Senator, did you throw Obama a "Life Line" for his socialized medicine, rather than attempting to save those veterans, by working to absolutely defeat it? Obama made no bones about how he feels about our veterans, when he intended to have them pay for the treatment of their own war injuries! How calloused were his remarks, that "they were volunteers weren't they?", and they "knew what they were getting into!"

And, you actually helped this man! That Senator is reason for you to apologize to all of our living veterans, and the rest of the non-socialist Nation, your conduct is simply shameful sir!

Robert DiStefano

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