Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Something Terrible Has Happened to Michael

(Compiler's note: A must read. You're not likely to see all this in the standard media. And I don't know that Congressman John Murth is involved. Click on the title to read the details.)

by Joan Swirsky

....Travesty of Justice
But there are rare instances in which a member of our military is punished for doing what he was trained to do – subdue or, if necessary, kill the enemy. This is what happened.....

There are those who believe that Michael (1LT Michael Behenna ) was “sacrificed” for political reasons. Is it possible that the motive for failing to provide the exculpatory information had anything to do with our military’s desire to be able to tell the Iraqi government that they had convicted an officer, the better to actualize some kind of quid pro quo arrangement or smooth over some ruffled feathers? ....

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