Wednesday, February 4, 2009

With All Due Respect Mr. President , That is NOT True

(Compiler's note: This is a must read -- click on the title above. And yes, this has to do with out national defense)

One of the most significant events in our nation's history is going on right now, with a massive transfer of the wealth of ordinary citizens to certain people. When you see the "news" on television the Brookings Institute is usually featured, a group of far leftist whose publications would not cause Karl Marx to frown. On the side of freedom of the individual is a scholarly think tank, The Cato Institute. The controlling media ignore them. Today Cato ran full page ads in major newspapers refuting what we are told daily.

....Notwithstanding reports that all economists are now Keynesians and that we all support a big increase in the burden of government, we do not believe that more government spending is a way to improve economic performance. More government spending by Hoover and Roosevelt did not pull the United States economy out of the Great Depression in the 1930s. More government spending did not solve Japan’s “lost decade” in the 1990s. As such, it is a triumph of hope over experience to believe that more government spending will help the U.S. today. To improve the economy, policy makers should focus on reforms that remove impediments to work, saving, investment and production. Lower tax rates and a reduction in the burden of government are the best ways of using fiscal policy to boost growth.

The above statement was signed by more than 200 economists, including some distinguished names such as James Buchanan, Vernon Smith, Edward Prescott, all whom are Nobel laureates. ....

See their ad by clicking on the title above.

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