Monday, February 2, 2009

American Hostage Taken In Pakistan

from Founding Bloggers

Yesterday in Pakistan, Jihadis kidnapped an American.

QUETTA, PakistanGunmen kidnapped an American UN official and killed his driver in southwest Pakistan on Monday, police said, underscoring the security threat in a country wracked by Al Qaeda violence and rising criminality.

The abduction occurred as the man was heading to his job as the head of the U.N. refugee office in the main southwest city of Quetta, senior police official Khalid Masood said.

Masood identified the kidnapped official as John Solecki, and said he was from the United States.

Judging by the near total lack of media coverage, either nobody cares, or nobody in the media wants to make this an issue. If the news of Muslims taking Americans hostage became a big issue, perhaps President Barack Hussein Obama might have to risk his reputation defending an American against the Islamists. For the media who lionized President Obama, he’s too big to fail, so they have to be sure not to put him in a position of challenge when avoidable.

Too bad for John Solecki. If he had been taken hostage during the term of President Evil McChimpy, his name and cause would be plastered all over each and every MSM outlet, with the implicit moral that it is all Bush’s fault.

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