Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Is the Trans-Texas Corridor dead?

Gov. Rick Perry and TxDOT want you to think so

the Trans-Texas Corridor project includes a 4,000 mile network of four NAFTA Superhighway truck-train pipelines that TxDOT plans to build over a 50-year period.

"Still," Corsi says, "close examination shows Perry's declaration from Iraq involves yet more public relations efforts by the governor and TxDOT to defuse criticism from voters and reposition a hugely unpopular initiative by dropping the designation 'Trans-Texas Corridor,' or 'TTC,' while still allowing TxDOT to proceed with the components of the original TTC plan that had been scheduled for implementation now."

TxDOT Executive Director Amadeo Saenz said major corridor projects will be scaled back to comprise several small projects closer to 600-feet wide than the originally planned 1,200 foot-wide TTC design. Perry has also confirmed that a new corridor parallel to Interstate-35, previously known as TTC-35, and projects like Interstate 69 will continue.....

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