Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hunt targets Iran's weapons suppliers

(Compiler's note: Another "must read" ....

From WorldNetDaily

LONDON -- On the day the British government increased the terror threat level from "severe" to the "upper end of severe," Britain's MI5 and MI6 intelligence services intensified a worldwide investigation to track the associates of three Englishmen alleged to be part of an international arms smuggling gang transporting vital military equipment to Iran, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

Millions of dollars worth of sensitive items -- many still on the UK's Secret List -- have been sent to the Tehran regime. Part of the investigation is to discover how the gang avoided supposedly stringent export regulations.

The material includes batteries for surface-to-air missiles and vital parts for military aircraft.

One of the alleged gang members is Farshi Gillardian, a Pakistan-born salesman based in London who was arrested earlier this week -- on evidence provided by the FBI -- for "attempting to supply weapons components illegally to Iran and of helping Tehran to acquire weapons of mass destruction."

He faces extradition to the U.S. in the near future.

E-mails intercepted by MI5 indicate that the arms network is worldwide. It specializes in producing sophisticated electronic parts for roadside devices, which have killed hundreds of coalition troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Two members of the gang have vanished from the UK in the past month. One is Brian Woodford, a 77-year-old who runs a freight company from his 100-acre estate, Chalmington Manor, near Dorchester.

His wife, Laura, 63, was arrested by FBI agents last March in San Francisco coming off a flight from Hong Kong. She is now in custody awaiting trial in New York.

MI6 agents believe the two arms catalogues she was carrying were given to her by an arms salesman for the Chinese government. The documents are described as "containing weapons of mass destruction."

Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin is the premium, online intelligence news source edited and published by the founder of WND.

For the complete report and full immediate access to Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin, ....

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