Tuesday, September 9, 2008

US House Leaders Plan Vote on Big Foreign Worker Increase This Week -- Despite 5-Year Unemployment High

Here's another entry in the contest to find out whether many politicians are just stupid or are cynically evil:

  • THE CRISIS: The feds announced last week that our official unemployment rate has soared to 6.1%, the highest since September 2003.
  • THE CARING RESPONSE IN WORDS: Anticipating and reacting to the economic uncertainty in so many households, both Presidential Nominating Conventions were full of promises to help the beleaguered American worker.
  • THE ACTUAL STAB IN THE BACK: But this week, we get to see what ACTIONS the politicians plan for us. First out of the blocks, the Democratic Leadership of the U.S. House of Representatives is responding this week by trying to shove through a bill -- H.R. 5882 -- which would provide about 550,000 permanent green cards to foreign workers next year. And those would be ABOVE the 1 million permanent green cards already planned!

Folks, this is not just rhetoric. This is the House leadership trying to pass this bill to permanently give away hundreds of thousands more American jobs to foreign workers.

Unless you make a phone call before Wednesday, this legislation is almost guaranteed to pass because it is backed by the richest, most powerful corporate lobbying interests in town, by the House Democratic leadership and by a large number of corporate-lobby-inspired Republicans. ....

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