Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Aussie Special Forces in Afghanistan Lock Talibs In Dog Pens, Musulmaniacs Downunder Start Howling

By Andrew Bolt

A bad mistake - or a nasty reminder - when an Australian Muslim organistation instinctively sides with Taliban suspects over the Australian soldiers trying to hold them captive:

SUSPECTED Taliban militants arrested by Australian special forces in Afghanistan have been detained in “dog pens” in actions that have left Australian Muslim groups outraged…

The empty dog pens were used to hold overnight four suspected Taliban insurgents who were arrested in a raid by special forces soldiers on April 29….

Australia’s peak Muslim body, the Islamic High Council, expressed alarm at the practice.

“This is of concern to us whether they are Muslim or other people being confined in accommodation designed for dogs,” said council spokesman Mohamed Mehio. “This is a matter of human rights.” (remember: only Muslims are human, unbelievers are ‘the vilest of creatures..’ ed)

If the council was as noisy about the human rights of the many victims of the Taliban and waited to hear all the facts about this one-off overnight detention, I’d be less worried.

* Strangely, we didn’t hear anything from ‘our’ Muslims when this happened:

Women buried alive in Pak, MP defends act: “These are centuries-old traditions and I will continue to defend them,”

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