Saturday, August 30, 2008

Global Chess and the Russians are Winning - Why Are We Still Surprised?

By Dr. Robin McFee

"All war is based on deception"

Sun Tzu, The Art Of War

No wonder Russian chess masters rule the game! If the world is a chess board and the two key players are the U.S. and Russia, one of the teams doesn't realize this isn't a dress rehearsal. Want to go out on a limb to decide which country is being led by a chess master and which is not? Unfortunately we still don't get it! According to the Associated Press, the recent Russian decree on the independence of two breakaway regions of Georgia "stunned the West." Why? Earth calling - anyone home? Come on folks, let's convert oxygen to carbon dioxide and think this through. Russia, as they said in Poltergeist..."they're baaaack!"

As several of our pieces are off the board or in jeopardy of being taken in this geoglobal game, and the UN continues to be a spectator on all things important, we in the West remain "stunned." Russia has skillfully used emerging giants like China and India as pawns for various gambits; they are important in the game to be sure, but are clearly not the players. The latest move in which Russia invades Georgia underscores the chess game being played. It was perhaps a prelude to what most have considered the ultimate showdown since the days of Stalin; the stakes are high and the key players were and will always be "team democracy" (U.S.) playing against "team empire" (Russia). The move into Georgia wasn't even the opening play; that occurred a long time ago when the West wasn't watching very carefully. Some might argue we're still not too observant!

Russia's invasion of a sovereign, non-aggressor nation was instigated by a deception - the guise of protecting a vulnerable kindred region. Putin uses that ploy often to claim the role of rescuer instead of the rightful epithet of invader. Just another strategic move in a wave of mostly invisible or unrecognized maneuvers placing Russia closer to empire Russia, and with it placing the U.S. and our interests in a state of "check." Once again we are caught back on our heels playing catch up and wondering what happened? What begs to be asked - when will we amass the expertise and leadership to counter a series of losing moves that has placed the U.S. in such a precarious position globally, as we'll discuss momentarily? Secretary of State Rice, acknowledged as an expert on all things Russian, remains in the Middle East "hopeful" for a peace agreement. That's been a millennium of "hopeful" and counting - don't hold your breath! Perhaps we ought to focus in on one's "expertise" and work on live time predicaments - like Russia.

A Primer On Leadership

"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Guess which part of the oft quoted military strategy Putin followed? ....

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