Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chicago-area pol in hot water for forwarding email saying Muslims who want Sharia should leave the U.S.

From Jihad Watch ... rca

It was "hate," you see. It was "anti-Muslim."

Now, I haven't seen the email in question, but if all it does is say that Muslims who want Islamic law should leave the country, then the reaction to it from Muslim leaders is very telling. On the one hand we are supposed to believe that every Muslim in the United States completely accepts American pluralism and Constitutional rule, and has no intention of imposing Sharia here at any time in the future. If you don't believe that, you're a venomous "Islamophobe."

And yet if that were true, wouldn't Khalid Mozaffer of the American Islamic Association be standing up and saying that Yes, he agreed with this email, and that he would aggressively resist any agitation to replace American Constitutional government with Sharia? By labeling this email "hate," isn't he admitting that many, if not most, American Muslims do want Sharia here? And isn't the presence of a large group that wants to destroy the ideas of the equality of all people before the law and the freedom of speech, and replace them with a legal system that institutionalizes discrimination against women and non-Muslims, something that Americans should be concerned about?

Is it really "hate" to want to defend republican pluralism and resist a totalitarian and draconian system that establishes an elite class and relegates others to permanent inferior status?....

For additional information click here and here.

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