Friday, July 4, 2008

Once Again, It’s about Associations and Judgment

There has been much ado about Barack Obama's associations and the judgment used in maintaining and entering into those associations. Obama's associations with Jeremiah Wright, Williams Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, the Progressive-Left activist group ACORN and his ideological association with Saul Alinsky are all perfect examples of his judgment, his willingness to associate with radical and troubled individuals and organizations. Is it fair to judge Barack Obama by his associations and the judgment used in acquiring and maintaining those associations? Sorry Mr. Colmes, all is fair in love and war...and politics. ...

... A perfect example of Barack Obama's questionable judgment comes in the form of his selections for his "Senior Working Group on National Security." As we face a most ominous and violent foe in the form of a cadre of aggressive Islamofascists, terrorist groups who are on record as joining Osama bin Laden's 1998 fatwa against the United States - a declaration of war against the United States, Barack Obama wants to "turn the page" on today's "with us or against us" foreign policy. ...

... Barack Obama says he wants to turn the page on today's foreign policy back to a time when it was more "pragmatic." Once again, Obama fails to "vet the vettors." Once again, he demonstrates that his judgment is not worthy of the highest office in the land. Once again his associations paint a picture of weak leadership and naiveté. ...

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