Do you believe foreign terrorists should be treated as American citizens? Should they have the same rights as American citizens?
Well, according to five justices of the United States Supreme Court, the answer is an emphatic YES!
Recently, in Boumediene v. Bush, five justices ruled that suspected terrorists captured in foreign lands -- potential bombers and assassins who've never set foot on United States soil -- have to be tried in an American civilian court WITH ALL THE RIGHTS GUARANTEED TO UNITED STATES CITIZENS UNDER OUR CONSTITUTION!
The outrageous ruling -- a deliberate crippling of our nation's ability to fight the War on Terror -- has snatched away congressional and presidential powers guaranteed by the United States Constitution.
Joseph Farah of articulated just what has happened when he wrote:
"So, it's official! This court believes a majority of five judges in black robes decides the law of the land, not the Congress of the United States with the consent of the president."
"I'm simply astonished that no other journalist -- no other pundit -- has observed the coup d'etat that this decision represents in the American political system.
"To make it clear, the Congress, anticipating just this kind of meddling in national security matters by the court, wrote legislation prohibiting it, as the Constitution permits it to do. The court ignored that restriction, meddled in national security matters that were not its business and verbally spanked the Congress, explaining, in most condescending fashion, that the 'political branches' actually had no say in 'what the law is.'" [Emphasis added]
Ann Coulter was even more blunt when she wrote:
"But now, even aliens get special constitutional privileges merely for being caught on a battlefield trying to kill Americans."
And Congressman John Shadegg said this:
"It is outrageous that the Supreme Court of the United States has endangered innocent American lives so Guantanamo Bay detainees can experience the rights and freedoms of the society they seek to destroy."
That's why Shadegg, on June 17th, introduced the Boumediene Jurisdiction Correction Act (H.R. 6274) which would give military courts exclusive jurisdiction over detained foreign enemy combatants being held at Guantanamo Bay.
We need to support Congressman Shadegg's vital legislation to reverse this disastrous decision.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and each and every one of the Republican leaders of the House and Senate.
Let them know that you are shocked both at the action of the High Court and the silence of most Republicans in the face of this outrageous ruling. Only 16 Members of Congress have co-sponsored Shadegg's bill.
Tell them the courts must stop their unconstitutional usurpation of power. Judges have been "making law" rather than fulfilling their constitutional duty to "interpret the law" for far too long. Tell them you expect them to fulfill their constitutional duty of oversight. Tell them they can start by supporting Representative John Shadegg's bill mandating that terrorists be tried in military courts.
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America Is Fighting A "War On Terror" And Liberals Are Fighting a "War On Bush!"
Of course the liberal media just loved the ruling. They see Justice Kennedy's opinion as an occasion for high-blown rhetoric about "freedom and justice."
After all, why let something as trivial as the Constitution stand in the way of bashing President Bush?
A New York Times editorial titled: "Justice 5, Brutality 4" proclaimed that "President Bush has denied the protections of justice, democracy and plain human decency to the hundreds of men that he decided to label 'unlawful enemy combatants' and throw into never-ending detention."
Page One of The Washington Post crowed: "The Supreme Court rules Bush can't trash American values."
The Post's Eugene Johnson wrote: "the high court made clear that the Decider [Bush] has no authority to trash the fundamental principles of American jurisprudence."
The Associated Press headline read: "Court says detainees have rights, bucking Bush"
A CNN print story read: "Watch how the 5-4 ruling is a major blow for the Bush administration."
These liberals have got nothing but George Bush on the brain!
So much so, that their obsession blinds them from recognizing what is right for the United States of America. You can almost hear them whispering to themselves: 'Who cares if we destroy the country and the American way of life... just so long as we get Bush!'
Our troops overseas are fighting a war against radical Islamic terrorists and liberals in the press are fighting a war against the Commander-in-Chief.
To the politically correct media, the real story was the systematic abuse of what one left-wing blogger called "innocent foreigners."
Reality check folks, the inmates at Gitmo are NOT "innocent foreigners"... THEY ARE TERRORISTS WHO -- FOR THE MOST PART -- ONLY WANT TO KILL AMERICANS!
We can't allow this kind of distortion to go unanswered.
The High Court's ruling must be reversed right here and right now. Congress must pass Congressman Shadegg's bill immediately!
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and each and every one of the Republican leaders of the House and Senate.
Let them know that you are shocked both at the action of the High Court and the silence of most Republicans in the face of this outrageous ruling. Only 16 Members of Congress have co-sponsored Shadegg's bill.
Tell them the courts must stop their unconstitutional usurpation of power. Judges have been "making law" rather than fulfilling their constitutional duty to "interpret the law" for far too long. Tell them you expect them to fulfill their constitutional duty of oversight. Tell them they can start by supporting Representative John Shadegg's bill mandating that terrorists be tried in military courts.
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Does All This Sound Familiar? It Should.
In a 2006 ruling (Hamdan v. Rumsfeld), the High Court shook its finger at the Bush administration, saying the executive branch had no authority to set up military tribunals to hear cases of accused terrorists captured in foreign countries.
However, Justice Stevens, speaking for the majority in that case, wrote: "Nothing prevents the president from returning to Congress to seek the authority [i.e., trial by a military tribunal] he believes necessary."
And that is just what President Bush did! Congress passed the Military Commissions Act, which became law in 2006.
Or so everyone thought. That was then and this is now!
As Justice Scalia wrote in his dissent in the Boumediene case: It seems like the five justices "were just kidding."
In effect, in the most recent case, the majority said to Congress and the President:
"Okay. Last time, we lied. It's unconstitutional to do what we SAID you could do. Fooled you! Fooled you!"
But this no joke!
Our nation is at war with radicals who wish to destroy us. But the liberal media and other Leftists just don't seem to care.
Aren't these the same liberals who scream "stare decisis" at the top of their lungs and claim that left-wing decisions they like SIMPLY CAN'T be overturned without inviting some kind of major catastrophe (like a plague or famine)!
However, back to the point; the decision also does something else:
It empowers the cruelest, most hate-driven enemy Americans have ever encountered -- monsters who use their own women, children and even mentally handicapped people as unwitting suicide bombers.
Yet five Supreme Court justices have just ruled that these monsters have the right to be tried under more lenient laws than our own troops, live in more comfortable accommodations, and receive the support and admiration of the Public Defender's Office and the American Civil Liberties Union.
Somewhere in a cave in Afghanistan, Osama bin Laden is laughing at America -- a nation too weak-willed to defend its own culture and too confused to understand its own Constitution.
Meanwhile, in obedience to the Prophet -- Osama's followers fight on.
This is ludicrous. But, we can do something about this dangerous decision by forcing Congress to act, and act now.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and each and every one of the Republican leaders of the House and Senate.
Let them know that you are shocked both at the action of the High Court and the silence of most Republicans in the face of this outrageous ruling. Only 16 Members of Congress have co-sponsored Shadegg's bill.
Tell them the courts must stop their unconstitutional usurpation of power. Judges have been "making law" rather than fulfilling their constitutional duty to "interpret the law" for far too long. Tell them you expect them to fulfill their constitutional duty of oversight. Tell them they can start by supporting Representative John Shadegg's bill mandating that terrorists be tried in military courts.
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Who Gave Them The Right?
Ann Coulter answers that question as follows:
"[T]he judiciary simply has no power over enemy combatants in wartime. Such power is committed to the executive as part of the commander in chief's power, and thus implicitly denied to the judiciary, just as is the power to declare war is unilaterally committed to Congress. As one law professor said to me, this is what happens when the swing justice is the dumb justice."
"Kennedy's ruling thus effectively overturned the congressional declaration of war -- the use of force resolution voted for by Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, 75 other senators as well as 296 congressmen. If there's no war, then there are no enemy combatants. This is the diabolical arrogance of Kennedy's opinion."
In other words, Congress gave the green light for the war, and the Commander-in-Chief was conducting it -- with great success in recent months, as even the New York Times has been forced to admit.
At that point -- after the Left in Congress had grown silent -- Justice Kennedy and four other justices stepped in and told the Congress and the President:
"Okay. You're on the verge of victory. But we don't like this war, and we're going to make it as hard as possible for our troops to win."
When the Court roared like a lion, elected officials on Capitol Hill cowered behind their desks, but John Shadegg immediately introduced legislation to pull the lion's teeth.
In a press release, Shadegg roared even louder:
"Suspected foreign terrorists captured abroad and detained outside U.S. borders do not possess the same constitutional rights as American citizens, plain and simple."
"We have seen individuals released from Guantanamo or prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan return to their terrorist networks and to the fields of battle. It is therefore even more shocking that, in a time of war, our nation's highest court would charge appointed federal civilian judges, who have absolutely no expertise in terrorism or national security, with the responsibility of determining a detainee's habeas corpus petition."
We couldn't say it any better than that!
The problem is this: Despite 9/11, five justices and liberal lawmakers think America is at war with President Bush, instead of Islamic terrorists.
In memory of the more than 3,000 Americans who died on September 11, 2001, and in honor of the brave men and women in uniform fighting radical extremists who wish to destroy us, let's reverse this dangerous decision!
Let's give Congressman Shadegg the grassroots support he needs to pass the Boumediene Jurisdiction Correction Act (H.R. 6274) without delay.
We have the power to make a difference on this one. Let's make our voices heard!
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and each and every one of the Republican leaders of the House and Senate.
Let them know that you are shocked both at the action of the High Court and the silence of most Republicans in the face of this outrageous ruling. Only 16 Members of Congress have co-sponsored Shadegg's bill.
Tell them the courts must stop their unconstitutional usurpation of power. Judges have been "making law" rather than fulfilling their constitutional duty to "interpret the law" for far too long. Tell them you expect them to fulfill their constitutional duty of oversight. Tell them they can start by supporting Representative John Shadegg's bill mandating that terrorists be tried in military courts.
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Yours In Freedom,
Jeff Mazzella