Monday, September 7, 2009

I am America's newest "threat"; I am a "Right Wing Terrorist!"

(Analyst's note: This is a personal note I just received from a long-time friend. Self-evaluation can be a good thing and the results often interesting. The insight reached here is certainly clear enough. It seems clear enough to me that our politicians had better consider job counseling -- they are going to need it.)

Be afraid America, be very afraid of me, I am a "Right Wing Terrorist!"

I am a retired, 68 year old, white male; those are three strikes already against me in the "changed" America! I am also a Patriot, (that's four strikes); who believes in the Constitution, (that's five); who cherishes the Bill of Rights, (that's six); who loves "Old Glory", (that's seven); who honors the Founding Fathers, (that's eight); who prefers smaller, less-intrusive government, (that's nine); who believes that what I earn belongs to me, (that's ten); who believes that crooks, thugs, and socialists, belong in jail, not in the Congress or the White House, (that's eleven); who understands that the government was created to serve "We the People", not vice versa, (that's twelve); who prefers to keep his private health care, (that's thirteen); who thinks the Nation is great, just the way it was originally constituted, (that's fourteen); I've never been arrested, (that's fifteen); I was a Police Officer, (that's sixteen); and, I believe in the right to speak out against injustice, (that's seventeen); I could go on, but what is the point?

You can see, from those "character flaws" that I've just listed, that I am indeed a "Right Wing Terrorist!" "America", or more correctly, the "changed America" apparently fears me! I intend to defend this Nation, this Constitution, this Bill of Rights, this "Old Glory", our National Anthem, National Sovereignty, and our Personal Liberty; against all enemies "foreign and domestic!"

If this "terrorizes" anyone, I cannot help but to wonder who they are, and why that might be! After all, all of our elected political leaders take an oath to essentially do the very same thing!

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