Friday, September 26, 2008

Murtha Subject of Lawsuit

Reported by: Sean Dreher

PITTSBURGH, PA --- Congressman John Murtha (D-Johnstown) has been making national headlines since he first spoke out about the “Haditha Marines” in May of 2006. Making the rounds on the primetime talk show circuit, Murtha said they were responsible for killing 23 innocent women and children “in cold blood.

On Thursday, 24 year old Lance Corporal Justin Sharratt, one of the accused and a Murtha constituent, took the congressman to task for his comments.

Sharratt and his attorney, Noah Geary of Pittsburgh, filed a civil lawsuit in U.S. Federal Court in Pittsburgh.

Murtha’s statements were false, what he did was outrageous,” Geary said.

Sharratt, a Canonsburg native, along with six other marines have been cleared of all criminal charges stemming from the Haditha killings.

“There was no evidence he committed any crime, there was no evidence he committed unpremeditated murder, and there was no evidence Justin did anything wrong,” Geary said.

In August WTAJ News asked Murtha about the incident, and if he would issue an apology if all eight marines were exonerated. He initially declined to comment, but when pressed, said he was proud of his remarks.

“They’ve changed the way they handle things there, and that makes me feel good about the way I’ve spoken out,” Murtha said.

The lawsuit accuses Murtha of violating Sharratt’s 5th and 6th amendments. It also says he prevented Sharratt from having equal protection under the law. Sharratt said he just wants to see justice served.

He said Thursday that would happen through the lawsuit by “showing America that a congressman can’t say whatever he wants.”

Sharratt also said he hopes the lawsuit will take away any demoralization Murtha gave to the military when he made the comments.

Murtha is up for re-election in November. Sharratt and Geary both deny that the timing of the lawsuit was politically motivated.

Murtha had no comment Thursday on the civil suit. He has 60 days to respond in court.

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