Sunday, October 4, 2009

The ‘Extreme Makeover’ of Fox News Analyst Marc Lamont Hill

Who would plaster his Twitter page with police mug shot photos of convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur? Fox News contributor Marc Lamont Hill did. At least until David Horowitz and Accuracy in Media took notice and wrote about it. Now the page features photos of boxing great Muhammad Ali. Hill’s MySpace page is also gone.

There are other changes as well. The tributes to Shakur and black racist Khallid Muhammad, known as “America’s Black Hitler,” have disappeared from his web pages. The articles were saved, however, and can be found here. ....

.... (Khallid) Muhammad is quoted as declaring in1995, “This is the time of the black man’s rise and the white man’s demise.” This quote is rather mild, compared to what he said in his 1996 “Kill the White Man” speech to a black audience: .... (click here)

.... What’s more, why is Fox News silent about the entire controversy, other than issuing a one-sentence statement early on that it did not share Hill’s views on terrorist cop-killer Assata Shakur?

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