Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A letter From a Friend to Obama


I was so happy to hear you say that you were going to see to it that
America is finally going to deal with the "excesses" that have gotten
us into so much fiscal difficulty, kudos to you!

I guess that you will start by cutting that ridiculously "excessive"
UN dues payment each year! One billion, two hundred-fifty million a
year, is a little steep to belong to a "club", where all of the other
members hate you, and you pay one third of the cost to run the thing!

Another good one, would be to roll back the Bush commitment of 15
billion dollars to fight AIDS in Africa, that is really "excessive",
when you consider the fact that no other country has contributed any
significant amount!

Thank God for ACORN! Now that they have been "exposed" and indicted,
that 8 billion dollars that you want to give them, certainly will be
"excessive" now!

Considering the fact that no other nation is willing to match our
contributions, you could squelch the pending legislation that is known
as the "Global Poverty Act", that will save another "excessive" 845
billion dollars!

How about the "Jubilee Act?" That one will cost the American
taxpayers another 58 billion dollars, time to kill that one too!

How about Nancy Pelosi's jet, and Charlie [Tax Man] Rangel's Cadillac
Escalade? Two Ford Focuses will do nicely there!

And, it is "excessive" to send billions of dollars in foreign aid
overseas every time there is an earthquake, mountain slide, or
Tsunami, cut there too!

Since you have all of those CZARs, you won't be needing the Congress,
after all, two governments does seem somewhat excessive! Send them
[Congress] home, and fire all of their staff support, and while you're
at it, confiscate their cars, and reduce their pensions to $20,000.00
annually! Let's see how long it takes the CZARS to show their

And, the most-powerful military in the world, now that would be a
good place to look for "excesses", like too many planes, too many
ships, too many troops; you get my gist!

And, what do we really need with a US Customs, or a US Border Patrol;
or an Office of Homeland Security for that matter, these are obviously
"excesses!" And, now that you are in place, do we really need a HEW,
or a HUD? Those savings are really adding up!

Tony Bellotte

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