Saturday, September 19, 2009

Judge threatens eligibility lawyer with $10,000 fine Says case, appeal of dismissal, frivolous

By Bob Unruh

A judge
who dismissed a lawsuit over President Barack Obama's eligibility and was accused by the attorney of exhibiting "subservience" to that "same illegitimate chain of command" now is threatening the lawyer with a $10,000 fine.

U.S. District Judge Clay Land of the Middle District of Georgia had dismissed a complaint challenging Obama's eligibility to be commander-in-chief by Capt. Connie Rhodes, the medical doctor and Army officer who wanted a restraining order to prevent her overseas deployment on the basis Obama has not demonstrated himself to be a natural-born citizen under the U.S. Constitution.

Orly Taitz, the California attorney handling many of the lawsuits challenging Obama's eligibility, immediately filed a request for reconsideration of the dismissal, even though she was threatened by the judge with sanctions.

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