Friday, August 1, 2008

Indoctrination in Public Schools Leads to Rise in Home Schooling

Renee Taylor

Can we expect the next generation to be competent leaders of our nation if they're learning less about fact and more about feeling in public schools? ...

This year in our home school, our child will learn from the example of Capt. John Smith, who took the failed communal system of the Pilgrims and turned it around into a flourishing capitalist system, while scores of future “comrades” will continue to bussed to their government indoctrination centers, identical pencils and notebooks in hand, to be fed a failed Marxist theology of equality and redistribution of wealth for all. While government indoctrination center children will be passing around the “talking stick” to explore the feelings of others, our home school child will be learning how to tune up his own car, how to read and write proficiently in English and other life skills necessary to be a responsible adult. While the ‘60s liberal hippies now instructing your child will be reliving their “free love” days at Woodstock, promoting homosexuality to elementary age children and teen sexual behavior responsible for out of wedlock births and reliance on Federal and state welfare, our home school child will learn the Ten Commandments, Biblical principles regarding relationships and responsibility.
While American parents submerged themselves into two income families in order to pay increasing tax burdens and to acquire more “stuff” they “deserve,” their children became potential members of the potential Communist future of the United States of Amerika. However, tens of thousands of parents have refused – choosing like us to make the sacrifices necessary for a one-income household and home school, providing their children with a real education with real life principles that will be the saving grace of the United States of America.

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